How to set goals that work
Most of the time, we have a very good idea of what goals we want to achieve but how to achieve them becomes challenging. I understand how frustrating it can get; trust me, I’ve been there and I have guided many clients through this process as well. To get from where you are to where you desire to be there are some strategies that are essential and I have broken them down into 9 steps:
#1 Set positive intentions
Can you recall a time in your life when you tried to set an intention and found it didn’t quite work? When stating your desired outcome, it is important to be both specific and positive. It isn’t easy as we are programmed to approach things from the negative throughout our lives, but it is doable. If you create an intention from the positive with clarity and focus, you’ll find that your goals are easier to achieve. Take this as an example, instead of saying ‘I will stop eating unhealthy food.’, rephrase it to ‘I will nourish my body with good food.’ You’ll find that the rephrased intention not only rings nicer, it also seems to be easier to do.
#2 Know where you are today
In order to know where you are headed, understand where you are at the moment. Without a clear idea of your current position, it will be difficult to know where you can realistically get to and also assess your progress.
#3 What will success feel like?
Think about how it will feel to reach your desired outcome. Tapping into the sensations that you would experience if you had already achieved the goal you are aiming for will inspire you and make you even more eager to achieve that outcome.
#4 Make outcomes specific
Often when we think about achieving a certain outcome, we can be quite broad in our definitions of success. Take one of your goals and start honing the specifics of what you want. For example, if you are setting financial goals, think about not just the amount you are aiming for, think also of a specific date you want to attain it. This allows you to break down your ultimate goal into monthly or even weekly goals. You can set milestones along the way which can get you even more excited towards approaching your goal.
#5 What will the outcome achieve for you?
Every time you aim for something, ask yourself “What will the outcome achieve for me?”. A lot of the time we look at the end result we’re after, but we don’t think about what it will actually do for us. I find that the unconscious mind is more likely to become passionate if the outcome has real meaning or real purpose to oneself.
#6 Make it personal
There are times when we set an outcome simply because it is initiated by someone else, or we were influenced and made to believe that it will be good to do. If this is the case, it’s going to be a lot harder for you to stay in the momentum towards achieving a certain goal. Assess if the goal is something that you actually want. Remember, the goal needs to be for you. Do it because you want it for yourself.
#7 Where, when and who
We need to nail down the when and where of all outcomes. What indicators will guide you along the path? These indicators will help you know whether the effort you are putting in is enough and is being focused in the right areas. It may also be helpful to ask if you want someone with you when you achieve an outcome; if so, who are these people going to be? These are really important questions for the unconscious mind.
#8 Make a list of the resources you need.
Aside from understanding where you are at the moment, assess what resources you have and what you need to obtain to achieve a certain outcome. Resources can come in many different forms. Perhaps you might need to learn something or find someone who has the knowledge (a mentor perhaps) to help get you where you want to be. Ask yourself, ‘What do I need to get to that next step?’
#9 Your core values
Sometimes we strive for goals that are not necessarily aligned with our core values. While we may feel a sense of pride for a completion of a goal, if it does not sit well with our core values, the feeling of happiness is likely to be short-lived or temporary. Having goals that are not aligned with your core values are most likely to create an internal conflict or worse, a situation where you self-sabotage. Check internally and externally what will happen if you actually achieve your goals. One shall always ask the real purpose for wanting to achieve a certain outcome.
There you have it, my 9 keys to an achievable outcome. I really hope that it helps you set some clear goals and come up with actionable steps on how to achieve them. If you want to delve into creating your goals more and experience more abundance in your life you can book your free clarity call here.
Yours In Abundance,